1930 Mexico National Census
Magueyes, Mainero, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Rogelio Cuellar, male, age 36, born Nuevo Leon, agricultor (farmer)
Rita Doria De Cuellar, female, age 35, born Tamaulipas
Married both civilly and in the church (Casado por lo civil y la iglesia)
Josephina Cuellar, female, age 14, born Nuevo Leon
Rafael Cuellar, male, age 12, born Nuevo Leon
Rogelio Cuellar, male, age 6, born Tamaulipas
I think these next two are part of the same household:
Rufino Sanches Male 55 Married Civilly Tamaulipas
Pilar Guerra Female 50 Married Civilly
There are more Cuellars further down the page: Pablo (78 widowed), Consepcion (26 single), Felix (22 single).File type:
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